Bodega Brew Pub is located in the heart of historic downtown La Crosse. Our Pub has a full-service bar featuring 400 beers. We have a delicious food menu, fresh free popcorn, and friendly bartenders. Come on in, relax, and enjoy!
Bodega Brew Pub is also one of Wisconsin’s haunted bars, stories have been told of the former owner’s ghost appearing to new owners. But no worries, you’ll forget about that when Bodega Brew Pub provides you with award-winning and popular beers that score in the range of 90 – 100. They are proud to present you with a vast array of brews from some of the most popular and unique categories, flavor profiles, and countries.
(P) 608-782-0677
(F) 608-784-1192
122 S 4th Street, La Crosse