Experience Memorial Park in Arcadia, Wisconsin
No visit to Wisconsin would be complete without a visit to the 54-acre Memorial Park in Arcadia. Located only a short drive away from La Crosse, this park offers the unique opportunity to walk through United States history along the Soldiers Walk while being surrounded by natural beauty.
Soldiers Walk, the featured attraction of the park, is a 500-meter walk that pays homage to all U.S. wars and conflicts with 29 monuments and memorials in chronological order beginning in 1848. Soldiers Walk Memorial Park was voted one of the top five best military museums in the U.S., and is referred to as the premier war memorial in the country outside Washington, D.C.
Additional features of Memorial Park include a seasonal aquatics center, a Kids Kingdom playground, a variety of athletic fields and sport courts, and much more for the entire family to enjoy.
Plan your visit to Memorial Park today by visiting soldierswalkmemorialpark.com.
551 Memorial Park Dr. Arcadia, WI. 54612

551 Memorial Park Dr. Arcadia, WI.