So you’re interested in visiting the La Crosse Region?
Check out this quick and simple way to travel and create content for both your audience and Explore La Crosse!
Explore La Crosse is looking for content creators to help advocate for the natural beauty and adventures to be had in the La Crosse Region. That said, we have three different tiers of Travel Ambassadors that you can apply to!
This opportunity is perfect for frequent travelers, nano-influencers, micro-influencers, and generally those who are trying to find an affordable way to gather content for your growing followers.

Overnight Stay +
One room night at a choice hotel or bed and breakfast + a $150 Visa to spend on your adventures + itinerary suggestions.*
Option 1:
Written content for one blog post on + one reel or TikTok + analytics
Option 2:
One reel or TikTok + one Instagram post + one Insta/Facebook Story + analytics**

Adventure Funds +
An Explore La Crosse swag/gift basket + a $100 Visa to spend on your adventures + itinerary suggestions.*
Option 1:
Three Insta/Facebook Stories + one reel or TikTok + analytics
Option 2:
One Instagram carousel post with 2< photos + two Insta/Facebook Stories + analytics**

Giveaway Opp
This is an exclusive opportunity to individuals who have been an Ambassador or Influencer for Explore La Crosse before.
$150 – $300 value giveaway depending on determined level of influence
Promoted in Stories & one Insta/Facebook Post + a tag + to “enter” individuals must follow @explorelacrosse + analytics
Please see the bottom of the page for further details and requirements by both parties.
Are You Ready to Apply?!
*Explore La Crosse Deliverables*
For Explore La Crosse Ambassadors, the room night will be selected by the Explore La Crosse Team per your niche and season of your trip. This decision is made exclusively by the bureau on behalf of the Ambassador. For each Ambassador, the Visa gift card will be provided for expenses, but receipts per purchase are required and Ambassadors will be held accountable to produce them within two weeks of the visit per their signed contract. Note that not all Ambassador applicants will be accepted.
**Ambassador Deliverables**
Ambassadors are required to provide the deliverables listed above as well as meet the following requirements: 1) Ambassadors must be visiting from 30+ miles outside of the La Crosse Region and have over 500 Instagram followers, 2) A contract will be signed prior to any visit to ensure a beneficial partnership, 3) Analytics per the partnership are required after one month of posting deliverables, 4) Visa monies must be spent and recommended, member businesses per the suggested itinerary, 5) Receipts from the Visa expenditures are required to be submitted within two weeks of their visit, 6) Ambassador deliverables must be posted/provided within two weeks of their visit, 7) Ambassadors will tag @explorelacrosse when they make each post, as well as promote/use our #explorelacrosse, 8) All deliverables will shine a positive light on Explore La Crosse, our member businesses, each itinerary stop, and the beauty of the La Crosse Region as a whole