Sunday Mornings
We are focused on prayer and learning, so Sundays we gather to pray and study the Bible together with tables and couches – no pews. We offer communion every week and offer a chance to grow and learn together with God.
Kids & Families
Kids are great. We have kid-friendly areas in our space. There is a family space in our worship area, and a back classroom with a speaker to hear worship when kids need a separate space.
Equal Rights & Inclusion
We believe each person is created in the image of God. We love, we serve, we learn, no matter what we look like or how we identify ourselves. We offer equal rights to all people, including the opportunity to get married or to serve as a pastor or leader – including women and LGBTQ+ people.
Bible & Open Minds
We take the Bible seriously, but not literally. We read the scriptures with an open mind and let the Holy Spirit offer us new beginnings and new insights. To us, the Bible is just one of many ways to connect with God.
Bridges United Methodist Church, Inc.
310 4th Street South, La Crosse WI 54601
P: 608-782-3018

310 4th Street South, La Crosse