Artist: Elmer Peterson Location: Riverside Park Towering at 38′ tall, this sculpture depicts a bald eagle with a 20′ wingspan. It is constructed from COR-TEN steel and stainless steel. The different weathering properties of these materials create the eagle’s white head and tail in contrast to the rusted color of the remaining sculpture.
Dancing Francis Artist: Paul Granlun Location: Viterbo University, 900 Viterbo Drive A 9′ tall bronze sculpture commemorating Saint Francis of Assisi. Saint Francis is depicted standing on a crescent of the moon, holding a sun disk in his hand.
Dancing Clare Artist: David Kocka Location: Viterbo University, near the Fine Arts area of Assisi Courtyard This is a bronze sculpture commemorating Saint Clare of Assisi.
Artist: Donna Gerke-Cutta Location: 119 King Street, Pump House Regional Arts Center Enjoy this whimsical blue stainless steel sculpture depicting two female dancing figures as well as a looping ribbon around them. The flowing ribbon is reminiscent of the nearby Mississippi River.
Boy with Butterfly Artist: Elmer Petersen Location: Gundersen Lutheran Medical Center Lobby This sculpture is a welded and steel-coated with bronze by braising, standing at 5’9″ tall. It depicts a young boy reaching for a butterfly.
Artist: Brad Nichols Location: Viterbo University, Northwest Corner of Murphy Center This six-foot tall metal sculpture was erected to commemorate past, present, and future educators. It includes tools such as a ruler, pencil, paintbrush, journal, and cylinder.
Adolf and Helga Gundersen Artist: Michael Martino Location: 7th Street and Denton Street This piece of art is a life-size bronze sculpture of the founders of Gundersen Clinic, Adolf and Helga Gundersen.
A Simpler Time Artist: Michael Martino Location: Riverside Park, near the levee Set along the banks of the Mississippi River, “A Simpler Time” includes a life-size sculpture of children and their dog. The design of the sculpture is a traditional figurative bronze that depicts an old tradition of greeting the boats on the river. The… Read more »
Brian Udermann is a health and motivational humorist who works with organizations to improve the health of their members to increase productivity and overall happiness. He is a speaker, professor and author of the book “25 Ways To Cure The Hiccups: Uncovering The Truth Behind 101 Common Myths And Misconceptions.” Brian’s fun, interactive and engaging presentation style will make you… Read more »