Explore La Crosse Day is an annual bus trip to Milwaukee for a Brewer game. We are proud to be the largest and longest-running community event held at American Family Field each year. We take hundreds of people from the La Crosse Region to see a Brewer game complete with a tailgate party featuring a ballpark style meal, beverages, games, live music, and raffles.
Explore La Crosse Day with the Bewers includes transportation to and from the game via motorcoach with restroom.
Tailgate party, featuring “Made in La Crosse” products-Bakalars hotdogs, Festival Foods Oktoberfest Brats, Kwik Trip Kwikery Bakery Buns, Pepsi-Cola of La Crosse.
Explore La Crosse Day Game Ticket Raffle of Brewer memorabilia & 50/50 raffle including autographed items from current and past Brewers players. Live music, games, and more!
123 7th Street S. La Crosse, WI 54601
(800) 658-9424