Crosby, Stills, Nash & Young
Apr 15, 2023
07:00 pm - 09:00 pm
Apr 15, 2023
07:00 pm - 09:00 pm
Popular area musicians, Dan Sebranek & Mary, Hans Mayer, Moriah Cody, Larry Dalton, Joe Hauser and Randy Bartlett will play a tribute concert playing songs of one of America’s most influential and successful rock groups, CSN&Y. Sebranek & Mary, Mayer and Cody will recreate the famous CSN&Y harmonies with the added enrichment of two female voices. The group has performed at Riverside Park Moontunes events, Leo & Leona’s and various venues throughout the area and are looking forward to bringing the show to the Westby Performing Arts Center located at the Westby High School, 206 West Avenue South. For ticket information check the website: Tickets will also be available at the door the night of the concert. #608-634-0232