WisCorps, Inc.


Conservation    Education    Community

The WisCorps mission is to develop leadership, self-confidence, and a strong work ethic in youth and young adults through the active stewardship of Wisconsin’s communities and natural resources. WisCorps, Inc. is a 501(c)(3) conservation corps headquartered in La Crosse, Wisconsin that engages youth and young adults in two areas: conservation projects and nature education.

Conservation Crews

WisCorps crews are made up of energetic and passionate people who come from a kaleidoscope of backgrounds and interests. Together they work hard to create lasting positive change in the environment and their community.

Nature Education

At WisCorps, we believe that a positive connection with nature is crucial to the development of children, youth, and adults through quality environmental education. WisCorps strives to foster appreciation and a sense of stewardship for the natural resources of the La Crosse community and surrounding area. Through positive, hands-on experiences in nature that are accessible to all, WisCorps aims to inspire meaningful, lasting relationships between individuals and the natural world.

789 Myrick Park Dr.

La Crosse, WI 54601

(P) 608-782-2494
