Monroe County, Wisconsin located in the southwestern part of the state is known for its fun downtowns, friendly residents, and countywide attractions
Project Category: Hiking
Trempealeau County Tourism
Take time to have fun in the beautiful natural landscape of Trempealeau County! Our unique terrain of hills, valleys, rock outcroppings, and waterways make the perfect place to enjoy outdoor recreation while remaining close to the comforts of civilization.
NATOW / Native American Tourism of Wisconsin
NATOW’s mission is to promote Tribal tourism and economic development, while highlighting the beauty, diversity and uniqueness of the 11 federally recognized tribes in Wisconsin.
Camp Decorah
Camp Decorah is a hidden gem along the banks of the Black River near Holmen, WI. Exploring the possibilities is a must, to see everything Camp Decorah offers. It is an incredible facility to host and conduct a wide variety of single and multi-day events available for public rental. Overnight Accommodations include lodges, campsites and… Read more »
Crawford County Tourism Council
Crawford County Tourism Council represents the collaboration of several communities with the goal of promoting Crawford County as a tourism destination. There is simply no better place to explore, by car, by bike, or by boat. The scenery when you explore the Driftless Wisconsin Area is unmatched. The activities found across Wisconsin’s Driftless Area are… Read more »
Friends of McGilvray Road
The Friends is a non-profit, ALL volunteer organization dedicated to MAINTAINING THE OLD McGILVRAY ROADWAY AS A HIKING TRAIL PRESERVING THE SIX REMAINING HISTORIC BRIDGES as a service to present and future generations who are interested in history and enjoy natural areas. Enjoy learning about the history and characteristics of the McGilvray Road and bridges, and of and… Read more »
Friends of Trempealeau Refuge
The observation deck near the Refuge headquarters provides an expansive view of the main pool area where Bald Eagles, Tundra Swans, geese, and ducks can be seen resting and feeding. Take a drive along the wildlife tour loop to catch a glimpse of wild turkeys, white-tailed deer or a determined northern harrier. Enjoy the view… Read more »
National Wildlife and Fish Refuge Visitor Center
The Upper Mississippi River National Wildlife and Fish Refuge La Crosse District Visitor Center is located on Brice Prairie in Onalaska, WI. The Friends of the Refuge run a Nature Store within the Visitor Center and offer classes and workshops on native wildlife and plants. They work to build awareness, enjoyment and support of… Read more »
Mississippi Valley Conservancy
Mississippi Valley Conservancy is a nationally accredited land trust with a mission to permanently protect the bluffs, forests, farm land, wetlands, prairies and streams in the Driftless Area. Serving the Wisconsin counties of Buffalo, Crawford, Grant, Jackson, La Crosse, Monroe, Richland, Trempealeau and Vernon; the Conservancy works with landowners who want to assure their land… Read more »
Driftless Wisconsin
At the heart of Driftless Wisconsin is Crawford and Vernon counties, defined to their west by the Mississippi River and by the Kickapoo Valley which runs through each. Never touched by glaciers, the Driftless Area is characterized by its beautifully sculpted topography. Forested hillsides reach down to valleys cut into limestone bedrock by cold-water trout… Read more »