Mary of the Angels Chapel Numerous Sculptures! Location: St. Rose Convent, 715 9th Street South The bronzed wooden statues located at the intersection of the nave, transepts, and sanctuary reflect three great periods in Christian history: nearest the ceiling are Isaiah, Jeremiah, Ezekiel and Daniel, all prophets of the Hebrew scriptures. At each side of… Read more »
Artist: Unknown Location: Main Street, Civic Plaza Le Pineau is a sculpture of a boy pulling a thorn from his foot. This was a gift from La Crosse’s sister city, Epinal, France. It is symbolic of Epinal, whose name derives from the French word epine, meaning thorn. The sculpture is a replica of a… Read more »
Lyra Artist: Bruce White Location: Burns Park This aluminum sculpture consists of three legs that intertwine to create an interlocking abstract design. Originally painted blue, the sculpture that was dedicated in 1980, now maintains a brown patina. Bruce White’s sculptures are created out of materials that lend themselves to permanence. His outdoor sculptures can be… Read more »
La Crosse Players Artist: Elmer Peterson Location: Main Street, Civic Plaza Welded COR-TEN steel, life-size Native American figures engage in the game played on the prairie in this vicinity and for which La Crosse is said to be named. Elmer Peterson is best known for his sculpture “World’s Largest Buffalo” in Jamestown North Dakota. La… Read more »
King Gambrinus Artist: Unknown Location: City Brewery Watching over the World’s Largest Six Pack, King Gambrinus is a concrete sculpture painted beautifully. The Gambrinus story originated in Holland and Belgium, where he was considered the patron figure of brewers. The Heileman Company purchased the sculpture in 1939 from a non-operational brewery. Heileman bought the 15-foot… Read more »
Invitation to Imagination Artist: Michael Martino Location: Onalaska Public Library, 741 Oak Avenue South A cast bronze sculpture shows a boy literally leaping off the pages of a book. The sculpture, installed in 2010, aims to encourage children to read. The book pages have an inscription that reads: “Come with me and we shall see… Read more »
Hixon Memorial Artist: Leonard Crunelle Location: Oak Grove Cemetery, 1407 La Crosse Street This art piece depicts a mother and her child resting upon a granite base. The sculpture is made of bronze. Inscripted in the base of the statue is, “Who had not learned in hours of faith, the truth to flesh and sense… Read more »
Herons of La Crosse Artist: Various Artists Location: Pump House Regional Arts Center Courtyard, and elsewhere throughout the city Herons of La Crosse Sculptures, a public art project organized by the Pump House Regional Arts Center in 2008, celebrates art and community with unique heron sculptures, each over 6′ tall, crafted into works of art… Read more »
Harmony and Peace Artist: Luis Arata Location: Viterbo University, 900 Viterbo Drive Built in 1983, this piece of art is a 12′ tall steel sculpture enameled in a bright red/orange hue. As a non-objective sculpture, the viewer may provide an imaginary subject of their own. The sculptor, Luis Arata, also sculpted “Anidont” man and dog… Read more »
Gideon Hixon Artist: Elmer Peterson Location: Badger Street, near the intersection of 7th Street This is a cast bronze sculpture, standing just over 6′ tall. Gideon Hixon was a leading citizen of La Crosse, lumberman, financier, and Senator for the 31st District of Wisconsin. He lent money to individuals whose businesses might have been speculative,… Read more »